An Overview of Dust Suppression System

Dust Suppression System allows the state to control the dust that is produced from the manufacturing industries and agricultural sites. It provides a small finest particle water fog that effectively attracts and holds dust particles so that they can be removed from the workplace and other environmentally sensitive areas. The Dust Suppression and Control system can also produce highly effective odor-controlling agents.

How It Works:

Dust Suppression System works on high-pressure water fogging which creates a small finest particle of water fog consisting of very fine water droplets (less than 10-micron size). These small water droplets absorb every smallest dust particle in the air and will fall on the ground without wetness. Particularly used for dusty environments.


  • Low Initial price.
  • Low Operating and  Maintenance prices.
  • Dust Suppression System requires 1000 psi High-pressure Pumps or Air compressors.
  • Dust Suppression System can also be installed for  60% of the conventional bag filter type system. It operates on five percent of the total energy of a conventional system.
  • Our dust suppression systems help you meet environmental standards: a variety of installations can reduce dust to required levels, for environmental and working safety standards.
  • The smallest droplets give maximum dust control.
  • Less Expensive to operate:
  • Less water and electricity consumption will save running costs.

Key Considerations for Implementation:

  1. Site Assessment: Conduct a thorough site assessment to identify dust sources, pathways, and potential exposure risks.
  2. Appropriate Technology: Choose suppression methods that match the nature of dust, operational requirements, and environmental conditions.
  3. Maintenance and Monitoring: Regularly inspect and maintain suppression systems to ensure optimal performance. Monitor dust levels and worker health to assess the effectiveness of the systems.

Types of Dust Suppression Systems:

  1. Wet Suppression: This method involves spraying water or water-based solutions onto surfaces to weigh down and suppress dust particles. It's effective for both indoor and outdoor applications and is particularly useful in controlling fine particles.
  2. Dry Suppression: Dry methods use chemical agents or mechanical processes to agglomerate dust particles, making them too heavy to become airborne. These methods are often employed in situations where water may not be suitable, such as extremely cold conditions.
  3. Enclosure Systems: Enclosures and barriers are used to contain dust-producing activities, preventing particles from spreading. This approach is especially effective for indoor operations.
  4. Mechanical Ventilation: Proper ventilation systems can direct airborne dust away from workers and toward collection points. This method is often used in conjunction with other suppression techniques.

Understanding the Importance of Dust Suppression:

Airborne dust poses several challenges:

  1. Health Hazards: Inhaling airborne particles can lead to respiratory diseases, allergies, and other health issues for workers and nearby residents.
  2. Environmental Impact: Dust particles can contaminate air, water, and soil, negatively affecting local ecosystems and contributing to pollution.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Many regions have strict regulations regarding dust emissions. Complying with these standards is essential for maintaining operations.

Types of Dust Suppression Systems:

  1. Wet Dust Suppression: Involves spraying water or suppressant solutions onto surfaces to agglomerate and suppress dust particles. Effective for open areas, haul roads, and material handling.
  2. Enclosure Systems: Utilizing enclosures and barriers around dust sources prevents the dispersion of particles into the air.
  3. Mechanical Systems: These include dust collectors, electrostatic precipitators (ESPs), and baghouses, which capture and remove airborne particles from gas streams.
  4. Chemical Suppressants: Chemical agents are applied to dust-prone surfaces, binding particles together to prevent them from becoming airborne.


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Dust suppression system: +91 86100 00128
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