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In an industrial vacuum system, a vacuum pump removes air from a system to create a pressure differential in order to remove debris from floors, equipments and other surfaces. It is generally electrically driven and the material is collected into disposable tank. The industrial vacuum cleaner is a machine used for the general cleaning in industrial environment, as well as many other more specific applications.

Synergy Spray Systems Ltd offers various kinds of effective industrial vacuum cleaners starts from 1.8 KW to 45KWmachines for various types of industrial cleaning requirements & segments like Food, Pharmaceutical, Steel, Cement, Foundry, Textiles, Power plants, fertilizers, Bio labs, Engineering and Automobile sectors as a standalone, movable, fixed vacuum, online vacuuming, centralised vacuum system and Truck mounted vacuum.

Our ranges of Industrial vacuum machines are having a side channel blower motor which is selected among the world’s best manufacturers and they are powerful, silent and suitable for continuous and heavy works. They don’t require maintenance and they don’t wear since there is no transmission system.

Synergy Spray Systems Industrial vacuum machines with large filter surface area in its range and various types of primary filters and H14 Hepa filters which ensures the exhaust air free from the dust particles.

We offer customised solution for safe material conveying for hazardous materials, customised collection and discharge systems. ATEX CERTIFIED industrial vacuum machines for Z22, Z20/22, Z20/21, Z2 & Z1 area and ATEX CERTIFIED dust collectors for online vacuum.


Synergy Spray Systems industrial vacuum cleaner – Compact models suitable for the general cleaning in the industrial environments where an efficient and powerful machine is needed. Compact and flexible, they are easy to move. You can choose between models for the recovery of dry material only or models for both wet and dry applications. They are equipped with single /three phase side channel blower motor from 1.8 KW to 4 KW, star/cartirdge filter with filtering surface up to 2m² and collection container capacity from 20 Ltrs to 80 Ltrs.


Synergy Spray Systems Three-phase industrial vacuum cleaners are designed for continuous use. They are ideal for integration into process machines, for use in larger areas and for heavy-duty use in general. The three-phase industrial vacuums can be equipped with side-channel blowers that offer higher vacuum rates and airflow. You can choose between the models for the recovery of dry material only and models for both semi-solid and dry applications. Ideal for continuous work 24 x7 with maintenance free side channel blower motors, this range offers mobile cleaning, compact centralized vacuum for small areas and fit for direct extraction applications.


Synergy Spray Systems Heavy duty Three-phase industrial vacuum cleaners are designed for continuous use, ideal for suction of large quantities of solid and bulk materials in continuous applications. These large size machines providing high suction performance in tough applications and having largest filter surface area in its range. DGVL & DG HD range offers mobile cleaning, centralised vacuum system and material conveying system. Roots CVS is the perfect tool to efficiently clean wide areas, with one or more floors, when there is lot of waste to collect and it's often interconnected to process machines to provide vacuum where needed for online vacuuming.


Synergy Spray Systems Three-phase industrial vacuum cleaner with direct extraction on process machinery, Pharma applications and industrial trim extractor are designed for continuous use. AS series is designed for the extraction of scraps and waste generated during production in packaging and paper industries. The scrap materials are directly collected into nylon reusable bags, easy to empty and these models are fit to work in 24 x 7 operations.


Synergy Spray Systems Tecnoil Heavy duty industrial vacuums are ideal solution for machine tool and engineering industries. . The three-phase industrial vacuums can be equipped with side-channel blowers that offer higher vacuum rates and low airflow for bulk collection of oil & swarf . Tecnoil series can vacuum up cutting oil and emulsion along with metal scraps. The solid and liquid components are separated by sieve baskets and the emulsion is pumped back to the machine by reverse flow mechanism. The equipment is fitted with Superweb 3D special filter to arrest the oil mist on the exhaust.


Synergy Spray Systems ATEX certified vacuum cleaners are designed to guarantee maximum safety in ATEX rated areas like potentially combustible dust and vapours, the equipments are provided with earth grounding, antistatic filters and antistatic accessories kit.
ATEX certified vacuum Cleaners for Zone 22, 20/22,20/21,2 & 1 area and some models are certified with Zone 20 for internal of the vacuum and certified for Zone 21 & 22 for external area of usage.


For Spray Nozzles: +91 94442 75778
For Spraying Systems and
Dust suppression system: +91 86100 00128
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