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Enhanced Pump for Misting Systems

Misting pumps are avaialble in wide pressure range from 3 bar (45 PSI) to 100 bar (1450 PSI) and the selection of nozzles and pumps are based on the application. Pumps are classified as below.

High pressure misting pumps are classified into belt driven pumps and direct coupled pumps. suitable for continous operations and widely used for industrial applications where the pressure requirement is higher in the range above 30 bar (450 PSI).

Mid pressure misting pumps are classifed into belt driven pumps and direct coupled pumps. suitable for continous operations and widely used for industrial applications where the pressure requirement is between 15 bar (220 PSI) to  30 bar (450 PSI).

Low pressure misting pumps are classified generally upto 15 bar ( 220 PSI) pressure requirement. Particle size from low pressure pumps are higher. Requirement is fulfiled with monoblock pumps and Diapharam pumps



• Best suitable for dust suppression, Terrace gardens and Indoor / Outdoor cooling like Portico.
• For better performance, Always keep the pump below the tank level to increase the suction and achieve maximum pressure.
• Liquids used should be free from debris and sediments as it affects the performance of the mist nozzles.
• Adjust the pressure to the mist nozzles by opening the liquid return line accordingly. Certain quantity of water should be sent in the return line for optimal performance.
• Shutting the liquid return line to tank completely affects the performance of pump and hence causes heating.
• Use enough Teflon tapes where ever necessary in Joints and Threads.
• Advised to deploy a plumber or technician during initial setup.
• Install the nozzles on the sides of the subject at an approximate angle of 45 degree from sides for maximum performance.
• Use plastic tag to tie the nozzles/hose to the poles or structure.
• Clean and maintain the system and nozzles periodically.
• Auto-timer with ON and OFF option available.
• Auto Sensors and automatic remote operation can be integrated with our misting system.

For Spray Nozzles: +91 94442 75778
For Spraying Systems and
Dust suppression system: +91 86100 00128
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